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  • Liberal Studies Major
  • Enduring 问题 & Ideas Core (GE)
  • 22个单位
  • CBIO 101: 集成 Biology
  • 4

This interdisciplinary, 主题驱动的课程将回顾生物学(和其他学科)的相关问题,因为它们与包括生物技术在内的当前时代有关, protein synthesis, biodiversity, conservation, 进化, reproductive technology, 等. which are discussed using current scientific data and its relationship to current issues. This is a liberal arts science course and draws upon disciplines such as history, theology and philosophy. Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Co-requisite: CTHL 101; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take CBIO 101 as an unlinked course.

  • CENG 201: World Literature to the Renaissance
  • 3

本课程将通过比较和跨学科分析,着重于批判性思维和研究性写作. Alongside lectures and class discussion, the study of representative great works of Western and non-Western literature from Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance will emphasize the literary, 文化, and 宗教 significance of these texts. Co-requisite: 因此201年; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take 201年曾 as an unlinked course.

  • CENG 202: World Literature from the Enlightenment
  • 3

本课程将通过比较和跨学科分析,着重于批判性思维和研究性写作. Alongside lectures and class discussions, 对17世纪至今的西方和非西方文学代表作的研究将强调文学, 文化, and 宗教 significance of these texts. Co-requisite: 因此202年; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take 202年曾 as an unlinked course.

  • CHST 201: The West and the World
  • 3

This course will study the emergence and expansion of the major 政治, 文化, 社会, 通过阅读重要文本和研究性写作,了解从西方文明之初到现代早期东西方的经济发展, alongside lectures and class discussion. Co-requisite: 201年曾; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take 因此201年 as an unlinked course.

  • CHST 202: America and the World
  • 3

This course will look at the 政治, 文化, 社会, 通过阅读重要文本和研究性写作,从现代民族/国家的兴起到现代,美国和世界的经济发展, alongside lectures and class discussion. Co-requisite: 202年曾; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take 因此202年 as an unlinked course. 202110.

  • CMTH 101: The Nature of Mathematics
  • 3

本课程将引导学生获得数学本质的知识,并通过数论等主题发展他们的分析推理能力来解决问题, probability and 统计数据, ∞, Non-Euclidean geometry, and general problem solving strategies; additional topics selected in dialog with the philosophy course. 本课程的首要目标是培养对数学的更好的看法,并发现数学思维的力量. Writing and projects, as well as traditional methods of assessment, will be used. Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra or equivalent; Co-requisite: CPHI 101; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take CMTH 101 as an unlinked course.

  • CPHI 101: Introduction to Philosophy
  • 3

本课程将探讨对人类智慧的基本问题进行理性探究的研究和实践, action, and creativity through the study of the traditions of Western philosophy through classic texts. Co-requisite: CMTH 101; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take CPHI 101 as an unlinked course.

  • 美术
  • 9单元
  • ART 111: Experiences in 艺术
  • 3

This course will introduce students to the different components resulting in a finished work of art. 重点将放在实验与媒体和技术使用的专业艺术家在他们的进展从想法到成品. Students will be given presentations in digital media that will serve as guidance for the class projects. A lab fee is required. This class is offered each semester.

  • MUS 461: 音乐 for Children
  • 3

This course will enable students to identify, 理解, and work with the music capabilities of children. 这三(3)个单元的课程是音乐教育和文科专业的学生,以及对开发学校音乐课程和/或其他特殊技能和项目感兴趣的学生所必需的. 两(2)单元的课程可供其他主要对准备音乐活动和培养课堂教学技能感兴趣的人使用. Basic music 阅读 ability and musical experience recommended.

  • THR 111: Experiences in 剧院
  • 3

这门以活动为导向的课程旨在让学生熟悉戏剧的短暂性和体验性,包括戏剧表演, play-making (i.e., scene work), rudimentary play analysis, discussion and attendance of on-campus productions.

  • 历史/Social 科学
  • 7单元
  • ANT 210: Cultural Anthropology
  • 3

Understanding diverse cultures of the world, from preliterate societies to modern technological societies, is the focus of this course, and will include mankind's universal as well as adaptive dimensions; and the examination of socioeconomic, 政治, 宗教, and 物理 environmental factors that relate to the values and lifestyles of various peoples.

  • EDLS 304: 历史 of Society and Education
  • 1

This course follows the course of the 政治, 文化, 美国和世界教育的社会和经济发展,特别是关于美国教育体系的建立以及移民如何影响它. The course will focus on 阅读 significant texts, and 研究-based 写作 alongside lecture modules and online class discussion. Prerequisite: Certificate of Clearance or Department approval.

  • HST 478: 历史 of California
  • 3


  • Human Development/Education
  • 9单元
  • EDUC 101: Introduction to Teaching 职业生涯s I
  • 1

This introductory course to the field of education and the professional career of the teacher will include the following topics: characteristics of today's learners and of effective teachers and schools; California teacher credentialing procedures; and the university's teacher education program. 必须在学校或其他为儿童服务的教育机构进行十五(15)小时的社区服务. Students must arrange their own transportation to the school or educational organization.

  • EDSP/EDUC 204: Introduction to Teaching Diverse Populations
  • 2

本课程将通过对加州教学绩效预期(TPEs)的广泛考察,呈现加州学校教学的历史和哲学基础。. Through course activities students will develop awareness of the TPEs. Students are required to participate in 20 hours of fieldwork observation. 通过这些观察,学生将认识到为不同学生群体提供服务的选择范围. All fieldwork assignments are university assigned. Students are required to complete the observations during k-12 public school hours. Students must arrange their own transportation to the school site. Minimum grade of B- is required for those students applying to the School of Education. Prerequisites: Certificate of clearance; current TB (tuberculosis) test.

  • EDSP/EDUC 301: Typical and Atypical Development of Diverse Learners
  • 3

This course will present the major concepts, 原则, 理论, 研究, and applications related to the typical and atypical cognitive, 社会, 情感, 物理, and moral development of children and adolescent pupils in inclusive classrooms. Students will learn the major concepts, 原则, and 研究 associated with human learning, 成就, 动机, 行为, and attitude as they examine the characteristics of exceptional persons with mild to moderate disabilities.

  • PSY 313: Developmental Psychology: Childhood
  • 3

在这门课程中,通过对与成长过程相关的理论和研究证据以及方法论问题的考察,我们将追踪人类成长的生理和心理方面的发展,从出生到童年. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or above.

  • 语言
  • 12个单元
  • COM 111: Public Speaking
  • 3


  • EDLS 435: Linguistic Development and Second 语言 Acquisition
  • 3

本课程将提供儿童语言发展和第二语言习得的概述,为语言少数民族学生提供提高语言习得的方法和材料, 研究了, and developed.

  • ENG 391: Children's Literature
  • 3

As a survey of the history of children's literature, 本课程将探讨各种各样的儿童书籍和相关的媒体和策略,用于学前和小学课堂. Prerequisite: 201年英格 or 201年曾 or 202年曾.

  • WRT 102: Writing and Research
  • 3

In this course students will practice 研究 methods and a variety of 写作 strategies such as narration, 描述, 博览会, argumentation, and develop skills as critical thinkers, 读者, and writers through 研究, 阅读, 写作, and writer workshops. Must be completed with a grade of C- or better.


  • WRT 201: The 艺术 of the Essay
  • 3

在这门课程中,学生将通过阅读来自不同作者的精选作品来Explore文章的美学范围,而不仅仅是作为分析对象来研究它们, but also as models for stylistic experiments as students practice the art of the essay. Freshman placement by SAT or ACT scores.

  • Mathematics
  • 3单位
  • MTH 301: Mathematics for Teachers
  • 3

本课程旨在满足加州教师资格认证委员会(CCTC)的学生学习成为小学教师的标准,并将包括对大多数小学数学课程主题的回顾. The content areas covered will be set theory, pre-operational skills, whole number operations, estimations and mental calculation, number theory, 分数, decimals and integers, rational and real numbers, 统计数据, measurement, and geometry including terminology, 多边形, 相似, 同余, coordinate geometry, 对称, reflections, and notations with problem solving being emphasized throughout. Topics will be presented with appropriate styles of mathematical methodology and hands-on classroom activities. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.

  • Physical Education/Health
  • 3单位
  • KIN 340: Elementary Physical Education
  • 3

这是一门向学生介绍儿童运动和健身教育的教学策略课程, including topics on the development and use of games and music to aid in children's motor development, and the integration of the 原则 of motor learning, motor development, and physiology of movement.

  • 科学
  • 7单元
  • SCI 115: Physical 科学
  • 4

集成, interdisciplinary introduction to chemistry, central science, 和物理, the fundamental science, emphasizing key concepts, 重要的化学和物理现象及实际应用结合历史简要介绍, philosophical, epistemological and theological underpinnings of chemistry 和物理 in current Christian apologetic context. Prerequisite: CMTH 101 or m 201 or higher (concurrent enrollment allowed). A lab fee is required.

  • SCI 301: Earth 科学
  • 3

This is an introductory course to the position, 运动, and properties of the solar system and cosmos including a survey of spatial concepts of the earth's crust, 材料, 结构, and the effects on the land forms, 土壤, 植被, and natural resources. An overview of the atmosphere, its composition, and the processes that makes the earth's surface so dynamic will be included. Prerequisites: (生物101 or 生物111 or CBIO 101)及(格瓦拉于101年 or 格瓦拉于221年 or SCI 115).

Concentrations (12-23单位)

Liberal Studies majors select an area of concentration from one of the content areas: 艺术, Child Development, Christ College, 英语, General 科学, Global Cultural Studies, 历史, Life 科学, Mathematics, 音乐, Physical Education, Study Abroad, or 剧院. Only one course in the concentration may be used to meet other Liberal Studies requirements.

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该专业的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成专业的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.

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