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Liberal Studies Major

History Concentration

School of Education



  • Liberal Studies Major: History Concentration
  • 12 Units
  • HST 301: Eastern Civilization
  • 3


  • HST 478: History of California
  • 3


  • Choose two of the following courses:
  • HST 314: Native Peoples of North America
  • 3

从前哥伦布时代到现在的北美土著社会的人类学概述将是本课程的重点, 利用文化区的方法,包括强调加州的土著人民. Cross listed with ANT 314.

  • HST 332: Ancient Greece and Rome
  • 3

从荷马时代到罗马帝国的衰落,古希腊和罗马的历史将在本课程中进行研究,特别强调希腊和罗马的政治, socio-economic life and structures, classical culture and philosophy, and the rise of Christianity. Prerequisite: HST 201 or HST 202 or CHST 201 or CHST 202.

  • HST 334: Medieval History
  • 3

从中世纪早期到意大利文艺复兴,欧洲的出现将在这门课程中进行研究,包括封建社会, the Christian church, cities and commerce, art and learning, and the rise of kings and nation states. 特别关注欧洲的希腊和罗马的遗产,作为拜占庭和伊斯兰文明的传播. Prerequisite: HST 201 or HST 202 or CHST 201 or CHST 202. Offered alternate years.

  • HST 336: The Renaissance and the Reformation
  • 3

Europe from the 14th to the 17th century, the transitional period between medieval and modern history, 包括意大利文艺复兴, the Northern Renaissance, the Lutheran Reformation, the Calvinist and Anglican Reformations, and the Roman Catholic Counter Reformation. Prerequisite: HST 201 or HST 202 or CHST 201 or CHST 202. Offered alternate years.

  • HST 338: Modern European History
  • 3

This course integrates various political, social, economic, 以及从18世纪到现在的欧洲历史的文化阶段, including the French Revolution, industrialization, imperialism, the unification of Italy and Germany, communism, fascism; the two world wars, and the Cold War. It 还将追溯这个时代的主要科学、文学和艺术发展.

  • HST 361: History of Propaganda and Persuasion
  • 3

这门课程将提供一个学术的方法来研究那些决定性的非学术的和普遍的交流模式,这些模式塑造了现代世界,人们关注的是两次世界大战中的战时宣传, political campaigns in America, and product advertising in market economics. Offered alternate years.

  • HST 410: Mythology
  • 3

对古典时代的接受取决于古人告诉自己的故事, 以及它们在后来的时间和地点的解释和重新刻写. 这门课程追溯了现代人对塑造文明的最早记录的故事所欠下的债务, 既要在自己的历史背景下欣赏这些故事,也要考虑后来时代的反应(包括那些认同古代的和那些假设古代异化的), 在对古典传统的当代文化唤起的批判性思考中达到高潮. Prerequisite: CHST 201 or CHST 202 or HST 201.

  • HST 412: The U.S. Constitution
  • 3

本课程将探讨美国政治制度的起源,从七年战争结束到路易斯安那州购买案和马布里诉林肯案. Madison, 重点关注《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》下的政府, the Constitutional Convention, ratification controversies, the first political party system, and Jeffersonian vs. Hamiltonian approaches to government. Offered alternate years. Cross listed with POL 412.

  • HST 416: Contemporary Global Issues
  • 3

This seminar course will be devoted to an in-depth examination of a major issue affecting the global community; exact topic to be determine by the instructor each semester. 可重修4次以获得学分,12个单元可用于完成主修/副修要求.

  • HST 421: Latin America
  • 3

Advanced themes in Latin American history, from the colonial period to the present, with special attention to historical events, people and ideas that affect modern issues in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean, especially as these relate to Cold War-era conflicts, revolutions, immigration, international trade, and the U.S. 参与政权更迭和â¾Å“warâ¾Â”打击毒品贩运.

  • HST 431: Women's History
  • 3

这门课程将从近代早期的欧洲开始,并将着眼于许多大陆和国家的人民之间在妇女问题上的激烈互动, the West, 文化在这一时期的交流中有其根源, colonization, and struggle. Offered alternate years.

  • POL 240: Race and Politics in America
  • 3

对美国种族和民族政治问题、运动和思想家的探索. 将特别注意各种宗教传统如何影响这一时期政治运动的修辞和目标. 会议还将集中讨论公立学校和教区学校的问题对美国种族关系的影响. Students from all majors are welcome to enroll in this course. Cross listed with HST 240.

  • POL 322: Political Thought II: The Enlightenment
  • 3

本课程将分析西方政治思想从早期启蒙运动(17世纪)到现在的细微差别和发展轨迹,并关注每一代人所面临的关于政治协会和良好社会的性质的问题. Students will become familiar with each major political thinker, the context in which they wrote, and their influence upon the history of ideas.

  • POL 413: Religion and Politics in America
  • 3

本课程将探讨宗教在美国公共生活中的作用,重点是第一修正案的解释和影响,以及“政教分离”概念对美国宗教和政治生活的影响. Offered alternate years.

See requirements for Liberal Studies major coursework.

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该专业的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成专业的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.

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